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Amazing! The International Theological Conference on Interfaith Dialogue was fantastic!  In the blogs ahead, I look forward to sharing some of the highlights and most interesting ideas of the 60 global presenters of the 200 international participants.  I’m still a bit jet-lagged but am happily adjusting to California time, and more importantly, time with Mom & Dad.  Before I turn to Shabbat Preparations, however, I want to thank those who made the “Not-Ten Not-Commandments” paper presentation possible.  Kate – our first collaboration has been very well received! The complete paper will be considered for publication by ACU.  Aviva, your insight shaped the actual presentation – and it was a hit!  Your hospitality was heavenly.  DGL – I couldn’t do any of this without you xox. 

The paper was developed from a short study composed for and published on line by the World Union for Progressive Judaism (the short study is available here).  The full paper delves into the Reformation Translation Cover-Up of the original Brit in the Context of Mitzvot at the heart of the words from Sinai…wanna find out more?  Zing me an e-mail.  Shavuah Tov from California!